We Aim to Reach Every Ear
3 Tiny Bones is a student-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit destigmatizing hearing loss and educating communities on healthy hearing to create a more inclusive society. We’re also helping deaf/hard of hearing youth to overcome their challenges and connect with one another.
Check out Yaduraj’s radio interview by
The Empowerment Zone on WWDB-AM!
Our Partners
Interview on NBC10!!!
Click the image to learn more about the Noise Hazards campaign and watch the videos!
Learn about hearing and the ear!

Young People & Hearing Loss!

Our Namesake: the Three Tiny Bones!

Protect Your Hearing at Events!

Learn about Workplace Hearing Hazards and Protect Your Ears!

Be Proactive About Your Hearing!

Teens-Protect Your Hearing with Healthy Hearing Habits!